
3 min readSep 29, 2020



Before I explain the main topic, I want to introduce myself to the crypto community. My name is Han and I am 24 years old designer who has bachelor’s degree on architecture. I attended several important organisations such as International Venice Architecture Biennial 2018, Contemporary Venice 2018. In 2018 summer I won the Arkitera travel scholarship, where only one architecture student is selected each year. For a while, I traveled various countries and did architectural and musical research for my master’s degree. During my bachelor’s, I always had interest into blockchain technology and it’s philosophy. After I’ve found out NFT world, I have decided to contribute with my works.

  • You can check my brief works here.

Now I want to share my project with you that I am excited about for the NFT world.


I remember Jeff Davis, LarvaLabs and Murat Pak respectfully for the inspiration i got from their works.


People universally believe that objects look colored because they are colored, just as we experience them. The sky looks blue because it is blue, grass looks green because it is green, and blood looks red because it is red. As surprising as it may seem, these beliefs are fundamentally mistaken. Neither objects nor lights are actually “colored” in anything like the way we experience them. Rather, color is a psychological property of our visual experiences when we look at objects and lights, not a physical property of those objects or lights. The colors we see are based on physical properties of objects and lights that cause us to see them as colored, to be sure, but these physical properties are different in important ways from the colors we perceive. (Palmer 1999: 95)

  • Maund, Barry (1 December 1997). “Color”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University.

In other words, Maund, Barry(1997) mainly desribes that color (color-as-we-experience it) is a psychological property and it may be interpreted in our different complex perceptions and taste.

Looking at this quote from a different place, we have the terms to which the colors apply on a digital screen in physical terms. Our color parameters,

  • R (#255) Red
  • G (#255) Green
  • B (#255) Blue

However, we have a language to bring common understanding for colors. These are complex and physical yet comprehensible with experience but they are also widely will be interpreted for its user’s.

That is why CryptoCubes are exploring mainly colors and their abstract volumes.


CryptoCubes are algorithmically generated volumetric abstractions known as NFT’s on the Ethereum blockchain. Each CryptoCube is a unique output.

These works are generated by a script written in Python. Depending on the color and the scale of boxes being generated, setup variables include:

  • Cellular Automata
  • Color (0–255)
  • Scale
  • Randomness ( Gaussian )

Once the variables are determined, the script executes the colored boxes.

It does this by;

  • Generating the specified number of colors and boxes with random scale.

Now what?

The goal of this project is to get CryptoCubes into the hands of the cryptoart and crypto game community so they can be shared, traded, and used in various 3d platforms.

The associated 3d .fbx file for each CryptoCube will be sent after the buying process in the ERC-721 token sale.

CryptoCubes will be released through NFT marketplace (Rarible) until we reach #255 which is the final variable for RGB color code. Each CryptoCube will be open for the sale and royalty will be %10 to facilitate collection. Mint day will be announced.

Thank you for reading.

You can reach me out via twitter https://twitter.com/Hanrgb

